Les U S A contre John Lennon. Alors que la guerre du Viêtnam suscite de plus en plus la polémique, que les manifestations s'intensifient et que le gouvernement étatsunien multiplie les opérations d'espionnage et d'écoute, un chanteur célèbre décide de militer pour la paix. Il doit alors faire face aux représailles du gouvernement étatsunien.
Lyrics : (John Lennon), 1969.
Trying to get to Holland or France
The man in the mac said
You've got to go back
You know they didn't even give us a chance
You know how hard it can be
The way things are going
They're going to crucify me
Honeymooning down by the Seine
Peter Brown call to say
You can make it O.K.
You can get married in Gibraltar near Spain
You know how hard it can be
The way things are going
They're going to crucify me
Talking in our beds for a week
The newspapers said
Say what're you doing in bed
I said we're only trying to get us some peace
You know how hard it can be
The way things are going
They're going to crucify me
Saving up your money for a rainy day
Giving all your clothes to charity
Last night the wife said
"Oh boy, when you're dead you don't take nothing with you but your soul." Think!
Made a lightning trip to Vienna
Eating choc'late cake in a bag
The newspapers said
"She's gone to his head
They look just like two Gurus in a drag"
Christ! You know it ain't easy
You know how hard it can be
The way things are going
They're going to crucify me
Caught the early plane back to London
Fifty acorns tied in a sack
The men from the press said "We wish you success
It's good to have the both of you back"
You know how hard it can be
The way things are going
They're going to crucify me
The way things are going
They're going to crucify me
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