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Chronique de UK Column News du 30.11.20: Le gouvernemt britannique achète 350 millions de doses de vaccins (Vidéo)

par UK Column News 1 Décembre 2020, 20:06 UK Column News Coronavirus Grande-Bretagne Articles de Sam La Touch

UK Column News - 30th November 2020

Brian Gerrish, Mike Robinson and David Scott with today's UK Column News.

00:31 - More than Enough Vaccines For Huge Pharmaceutical Profits in the UK


Sun Article: - https://archive.is/OtWnU

Moderna Video (scroll down): - https://www.modernatx.com/cove-study#about-mrna-1273

Moderna Supply Agreement With UK: - https://bit.ly/2JoiBpU

Mike Yeadon Tweet: - https://twitter.com/MichaelYeadon3/status/1332989416105775111

NHS Volunteer Responders: - https://nhsvolunteerresponders.org.uk/

Link To Hidden NHS Volunteer Vaccinators: - https://archive.is/Jn7LK

Eastern Daily Press Article: - https://bit.ly/39yKtCV

Independent Article: -  https://bit.ly/2JqKqxO

Express Article: - https://archive.vn/lFR63

Government Green Book 14a: - https://bit.ly/37kzGcv

PHE Training Resources (including slideset): - https://bit.ly/3lqj7Rs


16:43 - Nationwide Pro Freedom Protests 


Charlie Vetch Tweet: - https://twitter.com/CharlieVeitch/status/1332735371977830401

What Used To Be Consent (Black's Law Dictionary 6th Ed. P305): - https://sedm.org/Forms/05-MemLaw/Consent.pdf

21:07 - Winners In The New Normal Selected Enrichment Economy


Times Article: - https://archive.is/CFpW4

23:32 - Police Violence In The Stasi Style


Met Police Statement: - https://news.met.police.uk/news/more-than-150-arrests-made-during-protes...

27:25 - The Lawless New Normal Government


TruePublica Article: - https://truepublica.org.uk/united-kingdom/the-new-norm-government-lawbre...

30:00 - Are The New Public Health Stasi Trained By Israel?


BBC Article: - https://bit.ly/36k9O16

Patel Statement Article: - https://bit.ly/2JtPQZ3

BBC Article 2017: - https://archive.is/TjbHo

JC Article 2017: - https://archive.vn/QfcqL

Independent Article: - https://bit.ly/3mniXfd

IBT Article 2017: - https://www.ibtimes.co.in/israeli-army-trained-london-police-tactics-str...

London Mayor Assembly Reply: - https://www.london.gov.uk/questions/2015/2725

ToI Article 2017: - https://bit.ly/3q8qYXD

38:01 - Europol Policing or Terrorist Mindset?


Spanish Video Of Distressed Woman Being Tasered: - https://twitter.com/YesThatAnna/status/1332111946255118338

42:13 - Update On David Noakes and Lyn thyer

43:00 - Sustainable Farming Means No Farming And Less Food


Gove's Statement: - https://web.archive.org/web/20180831163918/https://www.gov.uk/government...

The ELM Scheme: - https://web.archive.org/web/20201117093850/https://www.gov.uk/government...

Government Unveils Path To SDG's: - https://web.archive.org/web/20201130083452/https://www.gov.uk/government...

SDG Farming Pathway: - https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploa...

47:24 - Scottish National Party Truth By Decree


Pink News Article: - https://www.pinknews.co.uk/2020/11/25/anti-trans-scotland-hate-crime-bil...

Times Article: - https://archive.is/EJPsH

Irish Times Article: - https://archive.is/MG3YP

Gerard Casey Opinion: - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1mdV55RItJ4

Christian Institute Article: - https://www.christian.org.uk/news/scottish-civil-service-pandering-to-st...

56:55 - Cultural Marxism Is Now An Antisemitic Trope Apparently.


Celebrity Vaccine Article: - https://bit.ly/39x60M3

Times Article: - https://archive.is/jRLDs

JC Article: - https://archive.is/Cbk6V 

The Antisemitism Policy trust Parliamentary Membership: - https://antisemitism.org.uk/group-members/

UK Column 10-09-18: - https://www.ukcolumn.org/ukcolumn-news/uk-column-news-10th-october-2018

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