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Chronique de UK Column News du 14.12.20. Brexit sans Exit - Mort suspecte de Brandy Vaughan - Crise réelle aux USA (Vidéo)

par SLT 14 Décembre 2020, 20:59 UK Column News Coronavirus Grande-Bretagne Articles de Sam La Touch

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Brian Gerrish, Mike Robinson and David Scott with today's UK Column News.

00:30 - Brexit Without The Exit


EU UK Future Partnership Framework: - https://bit.ly/39K65MC

Friday's UK Column: - https://www.ukcolumn.org/ukcolumn-news/uk-column-news-11th-december-2020

09:14 - Bill Gates:The World's Leading Unqualified Doctor


Bill Gates CNN Interview: - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dCt23D8VXpc

15:25 - Euromomo Data Questions The Need For Vaccines


Euromomo All Cause Mortality: - https://bit.ly/34dMaBY

18:16 - GP Surgeries Claim They Can't Cope With Vaccination Rollout


Guardian Article: - https://archive.is/JTJSh

BBC Vaccine Propaganda: - https://bit.ly/381nNsz

VRBP Advisory Committee Meeting: - https://www.fda.gov/media/144245/download

24:02 - The Revolving Door Between The Civil Service and Private Corporations


CSW Article: - https://bit.ly/381oHVZ

25:58 - Suspicious Death of Leading Vaccine Campaigner


Sun Article: - https://archive.is/MRPbu

Learn The Risk: - https://learntherisk.org/about-us/

Brandy Vaughan 2019 Statement: - https://twitter.com/aldous_floyd/status/1336496679101419522/photo/2

30:22 - The Health Secretary's Links To Private Healthcare


Metro Article: - https://archive.is/hoH0e

Matt Hancock (My Little Crony): - https://bit.ly/2K3evUP

34:54 - The Government COVID 19 Fear Network and "Quasi Mandatory" Vaccines?


Behavioural Insights Board: - https://bit.ly/3ad0rCO

UK Vaccination Brief: - https://bit.ly/385NgRB

Behavioural Insights Article: - https://www.ukcolumn.org/article/behavioural-insights-second-team-leadin...

43:50 - Scottish Arrests As a Lesson To Others Who Value Freedom


BBC Article: - https://archive.vn/QmszD

Dissidents Guide Series: - https://www.ukcolumn.org/search/node/A%20Dissident%27s%20Guide

46:35 - Samantha Baldwin - Exposing The Nature of Our Society


Samantha Baldwin Interviews: - https://www.ukcolumn.org/northern-exposure

50:00 - Wilfred Wong Update


Mirror Article: - https://bit.ly/2WfbwuU

North Wales Live Article: - https://bit.ly/34d15fL

Wilfred Wong UK Column Content: - https://www.ukcolumn.org/search/node/Wilfred%20Wong

52:38 - Future of "Integrated" UK Forces:


Ben Wallace Address To RUSI: - https://bit.ly/2K5ZS39

Nick Carter Address To The Policy Exchange: - https://bit.ly/2K60o15

58:51 - Proposed Changes To The Human Rights Act


IRHRA: - https://bit.ly/2Wg1lqa

Peter Gross Statement: - https://bit.ly/3nimqfx

The Slynn Foundation Funders: - https://slynn-foundation.org/funding/

62:00 - A Real Crisis in the United States


Supreme Court ruling: - https://www.supremecourt.gov/orders/courtorders/120820zr_bq7d.pdf

Court Article: - https://archive.is/omuZM

NY Times Article: - https://bit.ly/2IMvLgq

Marco Rubio Tweet: - https://twitter.com/marcorubio/status/1337393139347230721

Donald Trump Tweet: - https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1336407510069161988

Telegraph Article: - https://bit.ly/37Xdplu

Donald Trump Thread: - https://bit.ly/3gJSWEN

Pour toute question ou remarque merci de nous contacter à l'adresse mail suivante : samlatouch@protonmail.com.

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