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Bruce Springsteen - War (Vidéo)

par SLT 23 Juillet 2019, 06:09 Bruce Springsteen War Culture Musique

Music video by Bruce Springsteen performing War. (C) 1986 Bruce Springsteen

The Mask Is Off: Trump Is Seeking War with Iran (Commmondreams.org)

par Trita Parsi 10 Août 2017, 10:13 Trump Iran War USA

The Mask Is Off: Trump Is Seeking War with Iran By Trita ParsiCommmondreams.org (image...

Are America's Wars Just and Moral ? (Creators)

par Patrick Buchanan 10 Août 2017, 04:10 War USA Imperialism War crimes

Are America's Wars Just and Moral ? By Patrick BuchananCreators "One knowledgeable...

G20: The Second Berlin War Against Africa (BAR)

par Yash Tandon 9 Août 2017, 20:06 Germany War EU rance

G20: The Second Berlin War Against Africa by Yash TandonBlack Agenda Report With...

Mass Media Siege: Comparing Coverage Of Mosul and Aleppo (MediaLens)

par MediaLens 19 Juillet 2017, 20:18 Alep Mossoul Propaganda Media

Mass Media Siege: Comparing Coverage Of Mosul and Aleppo MediaLens When Russian...

Dispatch From the Middle East: U.S. Buildup All About Iran (The American Conservative)

par Sharmine Narwani 30 Juin 2017, 23:08 Syria USA Iran Imperialism

Dispatch From the Middle East: U.S. Buildup All About Iran By Sharmine Narwani...

Parents watch children take their last breaths, as cholera explodes in Yemen (Middle East Eye)

par Mohammed Hamoud 23 Mai 2017, 08:34 Yemen Cholera War War Crimes

Parents watch children take their last breaths, as cholera explodes in Yemen...

The history of the Neocon takeover of the USA (The Saker)

par Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould 12 Mai 2017, 09:04 Neocon USA Imperialism War

The history of the Neocon takeover of the USA (a 4 part analysis) By Paul Fitzgerald...

Why U.S. Troops May Fight Alongside al-Qaeda in Yemen (The American conservative)

par Michael Horton 7 Avril 2017, 01:07 Yemen Trump Al-Qaeda War

Why U.S. Troops May Fight Alongside al-Qaeda in Yemen. Trump is expanding the...

Coup Against Corbyn Planned to Stop Him Calling for Blair’s Head (The Herald)

par Alex Salmond 5 Juillet 2016, 19:54 Corbyn Tony Blair Plot Irak

Coup Against Corbyn Planned to Stop Him Calling for Blair’s Head By Alex Salmond...

The Longest War in U.S. History (TeleSur)

par Ryan Harvey 15 Octobre 2015, 14:12 USA War Indian Terrorism

The Longest War in U.S. History By Ryan Harvey TeleSur Though it has been a...

“It’s Raining Missiles. A Nightmare that Refuses to End!” – Testimony from the War in Yemen (Aecherli's blog)

par Helene Aecherli 25 Juillet 2015, 22:10 Yemen Saoudi Arabia Shelling Crimes against humanity

“It’s Raining Missiles. A Nightmare that Refuses to End!” – Testimony from the...

The War on Yemen : Where Oil and Geopolitics Mix (RT)

par Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya 17 Avril 2015, 16:28 Yemen War

The War on Yemen: Where Oil and Geopolitics Mix Par Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya...

Ukraine War Driven by Gas-Dollar Link Defending Dollar Imperialism (Counterpunch)

par Counterpunch 1 Décembre 2014, 23:39 Ukraine War Gas Dollar

Ukraine War Driven by Gas-Dollar Link Defending Dollar Imperialism By Mike Whitney...

Libya: US, Nato and the Destruction of Libya - the Western Front of a Widening War (Pambazuka News)

par Horace G. Campbell 22 Août 2014, 16:07 Libya USA NATO War

Libya: US, Nato and the Destruction of Libya - the Western Front of a Widening...

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