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Chronique de UK Column News du 22.03.21 (Vidéo)

par UK Column 22 Mars 2021, 19:44 UK Column News Coronavirus Grande-Bretagne Articles de Sam La Touch

UK Column News - 22nd March 2021 Brian Gerrish, Mike Robinson and David Scott with today's UK Column00:26 - Protests In The New Normal EraSources

Brian Gerrish, Mike Robinson and David Scott with today's UK Column

00:26 - Protests In The New Normal Era


Sky News Tweet: - https://twitter.com/SkyNews/status/1373368748405587974

BBC Article: - https://archive.is/jFyuz

Steve Laws Report: - https://stevelawsreport.co.uk/police-officer-brutally-kicked-an-anti-loc...

08:10 - A Different Type Of Protest - Violence In Support of Government Policy


Mail Article: - https://bit.ly/2NErEW7

Express Article: - https://cutt.ly/fxlO4Ko

Owen Jones Support for Violence Tweet: - https://twitter.com/OwenJones84/status/1373745743354269698

BristolBristol Tweet: - 

16:19 - The Vote To Extend The Coronavirus Act And The Propaganda Ensuring It Continues


Neil Clark Tweet: - https://twitter.com/NeilClark66/status/1373913023354707969

Bernies Tweets Tweet: - https://twitter.com/berniespofforth/status/1373903451508383747

21:09 - Questioning the Lockdowns Within the Permitted Parameters


Telegraph Article: - https://archive.is/Y8HaS

25:27 - Campaigners Lose Their Jobs


Irish Times Article: - https://bit.ly/397BF5E

26:04 - Why is the Government Hiding COVID 19 Contract Information? 


Tender: - https://bit.ly/3c9QvL3

Politics For All Tweet: - https://twitter.com/PoliticsForAlI/status/1373573454159568897

29:57 - Vaccine Adverse Events reported by UK Column Viewers

33:11 - Pfizer's Promotes Mission Possible, Just In Time for COVID 19, and Then Makes Up Stories About How They did it and When:


St Louis Laboratories: - https://bit.ly/3f5eywG

Pfizer Article: - https://bit.ly/2OVLVao

Andover, Massachusetts: - https://bit.ly/313hh1e

Business News Today: - https://cutt.ly/ZxlBrYA 

Kalamazoo Facility: - https://bit.ly/31abiaM

S.W.A.G Article: - https://bit.ly/2NEU9mC

Bloomberg Article: -https://bloom.bg/3sa9mv6

Pharma Tech Article 01: - https://bit.ly/3c7koLZ

Pharma Tech Article 02: - https://bit.ly/3tXfVSj

PNAS Article: - https://bit.ly/3vQN3gc

Frank A. D'Amelio Statement: - https://bit.ly/396wjaR

45:34 - The EU Digital Green COVID 19 Certificate And The UK's Private Company Roll Out


Stratfor Article: - https://bit.ly/313sP4A

EU Roadmap To Vaccine Passports: - https://bit.ly/3cUwhE8

MyGP: - https://www.mygp.com/

My GP Ticket: - https://www.mygp.com/ticket/

iPlato: - https://www.iplato.com/mygp-app/

50:02 - Racist Covid


Guardian Article (Feb 2020): - https://bit.ly/3lEPJIV

51:36 - 10 Year Bond Yields Hyperinflation Primed For Launch


FRED long Term Bond Yields: - https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/IRLTLT01USM156N

FRED 1yr LTBY: - https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/IRLTLT01USM156N (select to view by 1y)

FRED M1 Money Stock: - https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/M1SL

FRED M1 Velocity: - https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/M1V

54:04 - Scottish Corruption


Scottish Mail On Sunday: - https://bit.ly/3r96SM3

Craig Murray (Censored): - https://www.craigmurray.org.uk/archives/2021/03/a-very-tough-video-to-make/

Craig Murray Article: - https://bit.ly/2Peux0u

Dale Flower Tweet: - https://twitter.com/BoycottsBat/status/1373721500721807369

58:33 - Integration of Everything Defence Review As The UK Population Become The Enemy


MOD Advert: - https://twitter.com/DefenceHQ/status/1373907471773880322

Telegraph Article: - https://archive.is/fln0B

Integrated Review Documentation: - https://bit.ly/2NGC0F7 

SAS Russiona Disruption (Telegraph): - https://archive.is/Jy9pt

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