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Chronique de UK Column du 21.04.21

par UK COlumn News 21 Avril 2021, 19:33 UK Column News Coronavirus Grande-Bretagne Articles de Sam La Touch

Brian Gerrish, Mike Robinson and Alex Thomson with today's UK Column News.

00:25 - Antivirals Task Force


Antivirals Taskforce: - https://bit.ly/3apcMmI

02:36 - New Pandemics Preparedness Again


Announcement: - https://bit.ly/3eohr9C

G7 Announcement: - https://cutt.ly/avFGSJZ

05:28 - EU Gives Pfizer Indemnified Carte Blanche To Do Whatever They Like


LV Article: - https://bit.ly/3xfUPB1

10:23 - The UK Combatting Vaccine Hesitancy Around The World


CCS South American Project: - https://bit.ly/3gsc3F7

11:18 - UK Government Promises Science Led Freedom And Won't Tolerate Dissent


Jonathan Van Tam Statement: -  https://bit.ly/3v61DPE

Dr Nikki Kanani NHS Profile: - https://bit.ly/3dAIGP2

Kings Fund: - https://www.kingsfund.org.uk/

KF General Advisory Council: - https://bit.ly/3sJGpWo

MHRA Yellow Card: - https://yellowcard.mhra.gov.uk/

MHRA Pizer ADR's: - https://bit.ly/3anrVoN

MHRA Astrazeneca ADR's: - https://bit.ly/2Qek85G

MHRA 2019 Statement: - https://bit.ly/3alqVkO 

25:10 - MSM Mixed Messaging On Vaccine ADR's


Mail Article 001: - https://archive.is/P8ChR

Mail Article 002: - https://archive.is/MpFE7 

Mail Article 003: - https://archive.is/dguDR 

Mail Article 004: - https://archive.is/I9M7n

Express Article: - https://bit.ly/3tDrWMF

28:24 - Families Separated By COVID Declaration Without Any Covid Test 


Video: - https://bit.ly/3tQJEfG

35:21 - Bob Demands That Kier Starmer Leaves the Pub


The Raven Pub Tweet: - https://twitter.com/theravenofbath/status/1384148638427848711

Bob Asks Kier To Leave: - https://twitter.com/BenBirchallUK/status/1384132583059906563

Bob Tells Kier About Covid Statistics He Doesn't Want To Hear: - https://twitter.com/SkyNews/status/1384168559236894724

38:37 - Information Disorder Is A thing Apparently


Aspen Institute: - https://bit.ly/3dAOJTW

Aspen Institute Funders: - https://bit.ly/3dF0RmZ 

42:04 - UK Column Viewer Emails Reveal That Vaccine Recipients Are Not Seeing Patient Information Leaflet

43:26 - UK Column Viewer Emails Reveal That NHS Treatment Being Denied Based Upon Rules and Policy (Not Law)

45:03 - Covid I Refuse To Comply For The Sake of My Son - https://www.ukcolumn.org/blogs/covid-i-refuse-comply-sake-my-son

46:57 - Chatham House Futurescape 


CH Futurescape: - https://cutt.ly/EvFVReq

False Dawn pdf: - http://www.leepenn.org/FalseDawn_np.pdf

The Anglo American Establishment pdf: - http://aaargh.vho.org/fran/livres10/Quigley.pdf

57:41 - MP Resigns or Was He Pushed For Defending Veterans?


JM Resignation Letter: - https://twitter.com/JohnnyMercerUK/status/1384572401179144193/photo/1

On this day the IRA Twitter Account: - https://twitter.com/OnThisDayPIRA

YT Video: - Justice For Gavin Briggs Youtube

J4GB Website: - http://www.justice4gavinbriggs.com/

Pour toute question ou remarque merci de nous contacter à l'adresse mail suivante : samlatouch@protonmail.com.

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