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Brian Gerrish, Mike Robinson and Alex Thomson with today's UK Column News.
00:31 - Vaccine Certificates To Be Rolled Out
James Melville Tweet: - https://twitter.com/JamesMelville/status/1387318012659838980
Grant Shapps Statement: - https://archive.is/glFg9
03:02 - Spinning India COVID Statistics
Dr Zoe Harcombe Tweet: - https://twitter.com/zoeharcombe/status/1387319278592987136
BBC Article: - https://archive.is/JiZsp
05:38 - Why Are We Still In Lockdown?
UK Covid Statistics: - https://coronavirus.data.gov.uk/
ONS Statistics: - https://cutt.ly/wbiVgzM
Royal College of Radiologists Report: - https://bit.ly/3eBRh3n
12:58 - Tony Blair And The BBC and the Global Media Pretend The Adverse Reaction Statistics Don't Exist
BBC Article: - https://archive.is/NsbP7
Astrazeneca ADR's: - https://bit.ly/3u2erGv
Pfizer ADR's: - https://cutt.ly/zbiMRgk
TwinsUK: - https://bit.ly/2SaDiKp
Dr Cristina Minni: - https://bit.ly/3sXJ52I
TwinsUK Funders: - https://bit.ly/3aOeoGZ
Symptoms Study: - https://covid.joinzoe.com/about
Zoe Global Ltd: - https://joinzoe.com/
Zoe Financial Profile: - https://cutt.ly/7biVJkJ
Dr Weber Profile: - https://drdavidweber.wordpress.com/about/
MHRA Yellow Card Reporting: - https://bit.ly/2PwBJFJ
VAERS Reporting: - https://vaers.hhs.gov/
Canada SAR: - https://bit.ly/3gMpArw
German SAR: - https://bit.ly/3xGVN9E
Europe SAR: - http://www.adrreports.eu/en/index.html
Independent ADR Reporting System: - https://bit.ly/3vqJTi1
Pfizer ADR Reporting System: - https://bit.ly/3xyKWhG
Astrazeneca ADR Reporting: - https://bit.ly/2QDZZGn
NIH Study: - https://bit.ly/3gL6ce9
37:43 - Forced Vaccination
DE Article: - https://bit.ly/3nt51S0
Daily Record Article: - https://cutt.ly/tbiBCAc
CHD Article: - https://cutt.ly/OboU3FV
DFCE Notice of Liability: - https://bit.ly/3t18MPV
DFCE Letter: - https://bit.ly/3gLQJe4
Emer Cooke Politico Profile: - https://cutt.ly/wbiNMzq
43:38 - Lockdowns Have Caused A Mental Health Emergency
Mind Statement: - https://bit.ly/3aK7thQ
45:05 - European Claims About ADR's
VI Monitoring: - https://bit.ly/3nt6qbe
EUdraVigilence: - http://www.adrreports.eu/en/index.html
Doses Tracker: - https://bit.ly/3gN5uNM
48:15 - Fauci's NIH Summit in Wuhan Scrubbed
NP Article: - https://bit.ly/2S04iMr
48:57 - German Actors Dare To Criticise The Regime
Allesdichtmachen Channel: - https://bit.ly/3eCv4Cr
50:22 - COVID: I Refuse To Comply
UK Columns Article: - https://www.ukcolumn.org/blogs/covid-i-will-not-comply
Fundraiser: - https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/thomas-craney-1
51:28 - Support from UK Column Viewers
55:11 - Policing The Protests
Tweet 001: - https://twitter.com/MetPoliceEvents/status/1386016791630057482
Tweet 002: - https://twitter.com/CityPolice/status/1385954717394776066
Tweet 003: - https://twitter.com/UKCopHumour/status/1386312074150694914
56:26 - How To Spot Media Truth (and Lies) - Pay Attention To Detail Because The MSM Don't
Guardian Article: - https://bit.ly/3dZ2kET
01:01:04 - Celebrity Propaganda
ITV Article: - https://bit.ly/3sV48Tj
01:01:34 - Long Term Local Lockdown Plans
Government Contract: - https://bit.ly/3vquRci
UK Columns Article: - https://www.ukcolumn.org/article/what-covid-19-marshal
01:04:34 - Censorship Roll Out
Alistair Williams Tweet: - https://twitter.com/awilliamscomedy/status/1387291793671262210
01:05:34 - Christian Preacher Arrested
CW Article: - https://bit.ly/3vrDFyt
UK Column Series: - https://www.ukcolumn.org/search?keywords=Constitution
01:13:08 - Canadian Police Revenge Attack On Church
Artur Pawloski TV Channel: - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCppnexVl511K6mFXnwyC_Jg
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