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UK column News du 9.02.22 (Vidéo)

par UK Column 9 Février 2022, 18:34 UK column News Coronavirus Articles de Sam La Touch

Brian Gerrish, Mike Robinson, Alex Thomson and Debi Evans with today's news from the UK Column.

0:34 - Squeaky Clean Keir Starmer


Mail Article: - https://bit.ly/34EyseB

CHIS Act: - https://bit.ly/3rEAEvS

Recommended Reading: - https://bit.ly/3rEPLFA

UKC Article: - https://bit.ly/33cciA6

14:40 - Calls To End The State of Security In Australia 


YT Video: - https://bit.ly/3HD4bvl

24:23 - NHS General Practitioner Resigns In Protest 

31:15 - The NHS Long Term Plan - Transformation


NHS LTP: - https://bit.ly/3GBRi3q

Grail Cancer Program: - https://grail.com/

GC Whitty Lecture: - https://bit.ly/3gBcr2V

IBST: - https://biosensingtech.co.uk/ 

Prof Richard Luxton Profile: - https://bit.ly/34MCem3

RIN Article: - https://bit.ly/3HyjPYR

Rothschild Patent: - https://bit.ly/3HHEPfG 

Reuters Fact check: - https://reut.rs/3Jd4tcH

Royal Papworth DS: - https://bit.ly/3Lle8j8

Deloitte Document: - https://bit.ly/3uCQo4n

UK Gov Office For AI: - https://bit.ly/3gQoZUx

49:05 - Jacob Rees-Mogg Appointment


JRM Appointment: - https://bit.ly/3gzOwRv

National Data Strategy: - https://bit.ly/3GxUnRP

MIT Article: - https://bit.ly/3rEFsBq

Politico Article: - https://politi.co/3sqFegh 

Guardian Article: - https://bit.ly/3szDrpo

OD Article: - https://bit.ly/3Lmq3NJ 

BBC Article: - https://archive.fo/RFbGN

Times Article: - https://archive.fo/AVGrK

Telegraph Article: - https://archive.fo/NiOAy

BB Watch Article: - https://bit.ly/3gQyhzT

DH Article 001: - https://bit.ly/362QrMv

DH Article 002: - https://bit.ly/35P0TXJ

NHS AI Lab: - https://bit.ly/3GCMTNB

NHS AI Ethics: - https://bit.ly/3gB4P0o

56:08 - A Big Thank You To The UKC Audience

57:21 - Safer Internet Day - Not Really It's All About Digital ID


UK Safer Internet Centre: - https://saferinternet.org.uk/

Government Statement: - https://bit.ly/3gx3gAL

Yoti Campaign: - https://www.yoti.com/

01:02:09 - The BBC License Fee


Dorries Tweet: - https://bit.ly/3Gxe1xq

Layla Moran Response: - https://bit.ly/3uCUXvx

01:04:49 - Stamford Hill Jewish Community Protest LGBT Teaching


The JC Article: - https://bit.ly/3JcKdYL

01:06:49 - DoE Demand Registration of Children


DoE Proposal: - https://bit.ly/35UJUDn

01:08:24 - Wellbeing Can Be Measured By Government Apparently


Wellbeing Bill: - https://bit.ly/3Lm3GrW

01:10:48 - Redefining the French and Italian Social Contract


Gabriel Attal Comments (English): - https://bit.ly/33a03Ux

Italian Constitutional Changes: - https://bit.ly/3Loqmru

01:13:22 - Seizing Dormant Assets


UK Gov Press Release: - https://bit.ly/3LwS99g

Dormant Assets Bill: - https://bit.ly/34G9k

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