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How Media Spread CIA’s Sectarian, Anti-Iran ‘Mideast Cold War’ Narrative (FAIR)

par FAIR 14 Novembre 2017, 08:15 Yemen Media Propaganda USA

How Media Spread CIA’s Sectarian, Anti-Iran ‘Mideast Cold War’ Narrative FAIR A...

Mass Media Siege: Comparing Coverage Of Mosul and Aleppo (MediaLens)

par MediaLens 19 Juillet 2017, 20:18 Alep Mossoul Propaganda Media

Mass Media Siege: Comparing Coverage Of Mosul and Aleppo MediaLens When Russian...

The BBC Has Betrayed Its Own Rules Of Impartiality’: Yemen, Saudi Arabia And The General Election (Medialens)

par Medialens 8 Juin 2017, 00:05 BBC Yemen USA Saudi Arabia

The BBC Has Betrayed Its Own Rules Of Impartiality’: Yemen, Saudi Arabia And...

Hearsay Extrapolated – Amnesty Claims Mass Executions In Syria, Provides Zero Proof (Moon of Alabama)

par Moon of Alabama 8 Février 2017, 15:37 Amnesty international Syria Mass executions Propaganda

Hearsay Extrapolated – Amnesty Claims Mass Executions In Syria, Provides Zero...

Distortions, Lies and Omissions The New York Times won’t tell you the real story behind Ukraine, Russian economic collapse (Salon)

par Patrick L. Smith 21 Janvier 2015, 22:46 USA NYT Propaganda Lies

Distortions, Lies and Omissions The New York Times won’t tell you the real story...

War by Media and the Triumph of Propaganda

par John Pilger 7 Décembre 2014, 13:59 USA Media Propaganda

War by Media and the Triumph of Propaganda By John Pilger Why has so much journalism...

Exposing Propaganda NGO Documents Plan Ukraine War (ICH)

par ICH 12 Mars 2014, 18:54 Propaganda Ukraine NGO War

Exposing Propaganda NGO Documents Plan Ukraine War ICH NGOs caught forging documents...

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